Flu Shot
You can now book your flu vaccine on line by clicking here. … Continue reading
You can now book your flu vaccine on line by clicking here. … Continue reading
We are thrilled to announce that Dr. Hannah F. Michalko, a board-certified pediatrician, will be joining Westside Pediatrics this November. Dr. Michalko brings a wealth of experience and expertise to our team, and we are excited to welcome her to our practice. … Continue reading
Just when you thought your bundle of joy was getting into the routine of sleeping all night, suddenly they are waking up fussy and irritable. They could be sick, but if they are approaching 6 months old, it is more likely it’s their first tooth coming in causing their discomfort. … Continue reading
Children are little bacteria magnets. They pick up every possible germ in their path. The same is true for allergens since kids have never met an allergen they didn’t like. Whether it’s food, the environment, or pets, the list goes on and on. … Continue reading
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It’s that time of year again. The leaves are changing, there is a chill in the air, kids are picking out their favorite costumes for Halloween, and we are getting ready for Thanksgiving. This time of year also should remind you to get a flu shot. … Continue reading
RSV is the acronym for Respiratory Syncytial Virus, and it usually peaks from November through March. It is an especially dangerous virus for children younger than two years old and seniors. If you have a young child and especially one that was born premature, … Continue reading
As parents, your role in your child’s health is crucial. There are key things that you can do as a parent that can have a significant impact on preventing childhood obesity.
Tip 1…. Nurture Healthy Eating Habits for Your Child
By keeping healthy foods readily available, … Continue reading
We are approaching the time when kids and parents start preparing for going back to school. As the time nears, there are numerous tips to prepare and get your kids off to a great start, including Westside Pediatric’s back to school guide. … Continue reading
A fever in children is quite common, and it’s not necessarily dangerous in most cases. A fever is considered 100.4 or higher, and it’s the body’s way of providing a defense from viruses or bacteria. To treat or not to treat and how is the question. … Continue reading